4/6/2017 0 Comments Love Note From Your AngelsHello, Beautiful Soul! Your message today is filled with such love and support from your Angels. Many of you are tired and you need to slow down and rest so that your heart has a chance to rejuvenate and your soul a chance to breathe. In giving of yourself, do ensure that you are first giving to you. Only when your cup is full do you have extra love, support, encouragement or whatever to give to those you care for. Take a few moments today and strengthen your connection with your Angels. Place your hands on your heart and begin to breathe into your heart and with your exhale release anything that isn't yours to carry. Continue to breathe this way until you feel your mind calm. When you calm your mind through your breath, you will hear, see or just know that your Angels are with you, guiding and nurturing you. Keep believing, Shauna xo
3/13/2017 0 Comments Full Moon Releasing RitualHi, Beautiful Soul!
The Full Moon is the energetic time to let go of all the things that no longer serve you and parts of your life that you have outgrown. It is also a time for forgiveness, to heal from situations or people that might have hurt you. This month, the Full Moon, falls in the sign of Virgo. Use the virgin’s healing energy to soothe and heal any areas of your life that are causing you pain or stress. A Full Moon ritual helps you to release any negativity in your life. It will allow you to set new intentions for the coming of the New Moon, which will fill you with fresh ideas and new beginnings. Are there people or situations in your life that you’re finally willing to let go of? Are there things you want to move on from and leave behind? Do you feel the need to let go of your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual baggage? YES? Wonderful because TONIGHT is the perfect time to so the releasing work. I'm giving you a super simple Full Moon Releasing Ritual that will teach you how to let your fears and worries out into the Universe so the Divine can take care of them for you. Last night (Sunday) was the March Full Moon, so tonight we are still in the Full Moon window but SHE is waning (getting smaller in size) - the perfect time for releasing. Full Moon Releasing Ritual Gather the following items as you feel guided: a pen, paper, matches, a candle, two small bowls, water, and if you wish, incense - Palo Santo is my favourite, crystals (I'm working with angel aura, rose quartz and amethyst ). Find a place outside under the full moon to perform your ritual or a quiet place indoors will work nicely as well. Take a moment to breathe, ground + center your energy. Free yourself from any distractions and give yourself the gift of this ritual. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, in and out, until your mind is clear and your body is fully relaxed. Create a sacred space. Fill one bowl with water, and place both bowls in front of you. Pick your favorite candle or incense and light it. Place your crystals as you feel guided or you may wish to hold them. If you would like to take full advantage of Virgo’s self-healing qualities, choose one with a crisp, earthy smell that isn’t too strong or heavy -- like jasmine, sandalwood, or citrus. Write down your troubles. On a piece of paper, start with - I now release this and write down the things or people you want to let go of, the beliefs you want to free yourself from, or any habits or situations that have given you fear or anxiety. Write as much or as little as you like, but the more detail you put into each problem, the easier it will be for the moon to work its magic. Visualize the healing. When you’re done, close your eyes and imagine all of your problems being released, healed or shifted. Take as much time as you like. Really visualize how it would feel to resolve the situation to know that it is taken care of. How would you feel? What would your reaction be? What would you do after? End with forgiveness and release. When you’re done visualizing, let all the negative energy you have towards those problems drain away. By letting go of the situation or the problem, you create room in yourself for growth and new opportunities. Seeds of magical possibilities can begin to take root. Give your intentions to the universe. Breathe in deeply and declare, “I now let this go. And so it is.” Hold your paper over the candle and allow it to catch fire, then place it into the empty fire safe bowl to burn. The smoke will carry your intentions to the heavens to be transmuted. Wash away your old self. Wash your hands in the bowl of water. This symbolizes cleansing and opening yourself up to new things. Then, sit in silence with your hands crossed over your heart for a moment. Thank the moon for releasing you from your doubts and old frame of mind, and for filling your heart with new beginnings. You may also wish to bathe with Himalayan salt to further assist your emotional journey. Most importantly, go with what works for you. If your intuition tells you to meditate on your problems or to rip up your paper instead of burning it, follow that path. At the end of it all, the ritual is all about your willingness to let go and make room for what your heart is calling for. You may receive guidance, clarity or action steps from your ritual. If so, you may wish to take a few minutes to journal your insights. These magical insights will continue to flow into your awareness and may even show up for you in your dreams. The New Moon, which takes place on March 28th, is a time for new beginnings and new ways of looking at things. I'll be sending you a wonderful gift in the next couple of weeks that I think you're going to LOVE - so keep your eyes on your inbox for emails from me! Magical Possibilities, Shauna 1/13/2017 1 Comment January 13th, 2017If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door I read this statement this morning with my coffee and I immediately wanted to explore this more with you. I began to wonder… What if now isn’t time for the door open? What if we don’t have the right key to open the door? When do we leave one door and move onto the next? Do you remember the movie Monsters Inc. where all the doors to the children’s rooms were hanging in endless rows and when it was time to scare a particular child, their door would come down for the assigned monster to open and while the child was sleeping, they would scare them and generate energy from their goosebumps? What if instead of monsters, it was the universe aligning us with our doors, not to scare us, but rather move us closer to our dreams? What if all of life’s possibilities are doors just waiting to be unlocked by us? Someone once said to me, “If you have a dream in your heart and you feel it, believe it and know it to be true for you, the right doors will open, you’ll see.” I used to get so annoyed and frustrated when doors wouldn’t open for me. I would come up with new ideas to make them to open. Maybe if I used brute force it would open, maybe if I had other people help me the door would open or maybe if I was patient enough, the door would eventually open. I see doors as possibilities leading us to new places and experiences. Our job, if we choose it, is to take those first steps and walk through the threshold and take the Universe’s hand. 3 Steps to Open Sesame Step 1. Is this your door? Determine if what you are working toward is actually yours. Is it something you are hungry for and willing to whatever it takes to have? Does the idea light you up inside, get you out of bed in the morning, eager to make strides toward making it a reality? I know, this sounds crazy. Years ago, I wanted to become an alpaca distributor, complete with a farm and a storefront with different locations. Have you ever felt alpaca fur? It’s amazing, to die for, totally luxurious. My friend and I had this big plan and she kept aligning with the right people; distributors, marketing executives, breeders who would help us achieve this goal. We were so excited and we were making all these plans, setting things in motion and then one day out of the blue everything came to a crashing halt. She called to tell me that her family was relocating and that she wouldn’t be able to do the “alpaca thing” after all. I was crushed and so disappointed. I spent many sleepless nights conjuring up ways that I could do it without her and trying to understand how she could walk away from something this amazing. It wasn’t until several weeks later, that I slowly came to realize that it was HER door the whole time! I chose to be a passenger on her bus. I chose to buy into her excitement, thinking it was mine. I chose to ignore that little voice inside desperately trying to tell me that just like all the other doors we attempted to open together, that this door would not open. I chose to not ask enough questions to know what was true for me and what wasn’t. So, after I moved through the emotions, and my own bullshit, I began to wonder what door I would like to open for myself. Not long after this fiasco, I had my first reiki treatment and by opening that door, I stepped into a magical land filled with possibilities that continue to light ME up daily. What door would light you up? Step 2. Come up with a plan Action creates confidence and momentum. Once we’ve chosen something that lights us up, we invoke the universe to assist and the door will appear. Take my reiki door for example. I had several reiki brochures, read books, talked with different people and kept circling the reiki wagon. It wasn’t until I met a reiki master who’s energy lit me up, that I made the decision, the choice, to explore reiki. I felt unsure but did it anyway. First, I had a reiki session and LOVED it. Next, I signed up for my first reiki class and LOVED it. I then came up with a plan to become a Reiki Master/Teacher so I could share this amazing energy with the world. Soon, crossed over loved ones began to show up in my sessions and I began to see specific ailments in the body catapulting me into learning Medical Intuition. Once I had a plan for my reiki door, the Universe kept bringing me more doors to light me up. I remember watching Wayne Dyer years ago and he said, “Think from the end. I'm a big believer in starting with the end outcome and working backwards to reach it.” If we walk away from the door too soon, how will our dreams, goals and targets become a reality? Wayne would have a mock book cover done up for a book he was writing. It would sit on his desk and he would connect with the book, see it selling and making a difference in people’s lives. Thinking from the end. Think of your current door that truly lights you up, that you are committed to mastering. Now, see that door (goal, dream) as complete and choose 1 step that you can implement today. 1. ______________________________________________ And, when you complete that step, choose another and another until your door opens. Step 3. Mindset Words and feelings determine what you attract into your life. This is where self sabotage comes in, our beliefs and the stories we carry with us. We can talk ourselves out of our dreams and not choose to walk through the threshold when the doors open. I’ve seen many clients pick a door (dream, goal), come up with a plan for their door only to walk away just before it opens. A strong, focused mindset is vital to achieving your goals and outcomes. If you believe you can’t, you won’t. We all have difficult life experiences that rear their head from time to time. In those moments we can choose to give up, OR we can choose to take the information from that experience and use it as motivation. One of my mantras, is – there has to be a way. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first TV job as an anchor in Baltimore. Steven Spielberg was rejected twice by the University of Southern California. Thomas Edison was told by his teachers he was ‘too stupid to learn anything’. Walt Disney was told he ‘lacked imagination and had no good ideas’. Theodor Seuss Geisel - Dr. Seuss - had his first book rejected by 27 different publishers. Stephen King had his first book Carrie rejected 30 times. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. When you have a dream, a goal, that lights you up inside, that you know is yours to bring to life, you will find a way and eventually that door will open and connect you to that magical place inside. A leader in the Transformational Coaching, Medical Intuition and Mediumship arenas, Shauna invites people to change how they view themselves, their strengths and any perceived weaknesses. Combining her intuitive skills with her unique ability to connect with the Soul and higher levels of consciousness, Shauna continues to lead thousands of people through their challenges into a world of amazing possibility and brilliance. www.shaunachandler.com Let’s face it – 2016 has been a bit of a butt-kicker, BUT, 2017 is New Beginnings just waiting for us to choose. 2016 was a 9 year which corresponds to an ending of a cycle, so, 2017 is truly a new beginning for all of us. And while the holidays can be such a special time of celebration and joy, it can also bring up a lot of stuff for many. This time of year can shine a light on “the gap” which is that place inside where you feel a void between where you are on your journey today and where you truly desire to be. If you’ve been feeling the intense energies, you are not alone. I personally found the energies from this last year outrageously intense, pushing me to release anything that was in the way of my dreams. Man, did it ever kick butt! So many of you have also experienced this intense release giving you an opportunity to let go of anything that is no longer serving you. The holidays can bring added stress, upheaval, upleveling or… good old drama trauma – you know the kind where certain people just can’t be in the same room together for too long before the cray cray kicks in? I began to wonder what it would take to keep our vibe high and clean even in the midst of crazy, chaotic energy – throughout the holidays or any time of year. We all want to experience that magic each and every day and trust me, with a little focus and perseverance it will become your reality. As we get ready to say goodbye to 2016, I have a quick energy practice to help you shift your energy and bring that magic, which is really you, into your day. 1. Imagine a bright golden light emanating from your heart space. See this light travel up through the top of your head and up into the heavens. This is your soul connection anchoring your connection into the Divine Matrix. 2. Take a deep breath and imagine this golden light coming back down into the top of your head, then down your neck and shoulders, arms, torso, down your legs and into Mother Earth’s welcoming arms. 3. Take another deep breath and imagine this golden light bathing Mother Earth with Divine Love and your Divine Essence. See this golden light infused with a vibrant green light as it begins to travel back up to the bottom of your feet, up your legs and back into your heart space. 4. As you breathe in, you breathe in the light of the divine and the light of Mother Earth. Allow these beautiful energies to combine with your Divine Essence. 5. Continue to breathe this light into every cell and molecule within your being and breathe out anything that is not 100% of this light. 6. Give thanks to the Divine, Mother Earth, to yourself, and to all the teachers in your life who are helping you to recognize and claim this gift. Let the light radiate your gratitude. 7. And, when you’re ready, open your eyes and carry this light with you as you move back into your day. Remember that you are always surrounded by Divine Life Force Energy – even in the midst of apparent chaos, including the holidays! This energy is always available to you when you choose to tune into it, and this practice will help you do that every time. Wishing you SO much love and magic this holiday season, and all the blessings your heart can hold and more for 2017! Shauna For many of us this year has had amazing and wondrous things show up in our lives and, we’ve also had our share of struggles and disappointments too. Most people want to zoom ahead into the New Year and forget the mistakes and messiness from this year. But, there is SO much leverage to be gained from taking a look at the past twelve months and finding the wisdom that you can take with you into next year. When we acknowledge what we’ve learned from our experiences, we will know better the next time similar experiences show up. This can save us time, energy and unnecessary detours. So often, we focus on what isn’t working, that we miss the important accomplishments, big or small, that we haven’t celebrated. I know for me there are some hard-won lessons I would rather not repeat and maybe we all have some emotional baggage that’s ready to go for once and for all. While many year in review rituals seem quite intense and complex, this one is simple and direct. Before you decide on your New Year resolutions or set life targets and goals for the next 12 months, I invite you to do this simple exercise. It’s a wonderful way to clear energies, thoughts or ideas that you’d rather not bring into the New Year. Often when we let go of something we can truly see how it was holding us back. It’s really easy to get started. Just grab your calendar, pen and paper, and set aside about 15 minutes, or longer if you feel guided. Some like to make a ritual around their review, with candles and incense and more time to meditate and/or reflect. Choose what works best for you. These 3 simple questions help me clear my mental, emotional and spiritual levels and set me up for a strong start for the New Year:
Watch the short video below for an energetic clearing with Shauna to really kick start your New Year! Thank you so much for reading, watching and diving into more of you. I’m so grateful for you! Shauna xo 11/14/2016 0 Comments New Blog Post on Sivana Spirit!10/17/2016 0 Comments You can lead them to water...I read an article a couple weeks ago and the message is still with me:
It’s not my responsibility to force anyone’s evolution. In fact, I have it on a sticky on my computer as a reminder. You see, being an intuitive, psychic, divine channel, I can see possibilities for everyone and it has taken me time to realize that a) it is not my job to do the work for my clients, b) not everyone wants to achieve greatness, and, c) it’s not up to me to change anyone’s mind. My Guides use the analogy that you can get a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Right. Well, sort of. After studying this for the last several years, my research has shown something very interesting. Women, mainly, somewhere inside hold the belief that it IS there job to help, things WILL get better once everyone does this or stops doing that. We somehow believe that if we do in fact get the horse to water that it’s a sure bet – he’s going to do that thing you really want him to and he’s going to like it. What they don’t see coming is this… The horse gets to the water and has a change of mind. Maybe his feet are sore, maybe he realized that he’s being manipulated and he doesn’t like it or maybe he just decided he didn’t need a drink after all. Something fascinating happens at this point. The women get pissed – really pissed. He came all this way and he won’t drink? Not on my watch they think – he just needs a little help. So, they begin to try and coax the horse to drink. Look how nice and refreshing the water is they say. Nothing. They offer him a cup filled with water to drink from. Not interested. They offer him a cup filled with water to drink from with a straw. Still nothing. The best - they offer to spit the water in the horse's mouth. Nada. All the while NOT hearing or accepting his change of mind, for whatever reason. And, my research has shown that when we are so focused on getting someone else do to what we would like them to, chances are we are avoiding looking at something within us. So, the next time you get the horse to water and he doesn’t drink, stop wasting your time and energy and let the horse decide what it wants and get back to creating the life you are meant to. When we focus on our own evolution, we impact the world around us in magical ways so then maybe, just maybe, the horse will eventually drink and if he doesn’t we are too busy creating our own magic to notice. If you DO want to achieve greatness and you ARE ready to commit to change, I would love to work with you. I specialize in transformational coaching that gets results. Shauna xo Personal Stories
Born Knowing, by John Holland The Spirit Whisperer, by John Holland Diary of a Psychic, by Sonia Choquette Psychic, Intuitive and Mediumship Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship, by Gordon Smith Book of Spirit Communications, by Raymond Buckland Where Two Worlds Meet, by Janet Nohavec The Book of Angels, by Christiane Muller When Ghosts Speak, by Mary Ann Winkowski Spirit Releasement Therapy, by WIlliam J. Baldwin The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, by Debbie Ford Discovering Your Psychic Type, by Sherrie Dillard You are a Medium, by Sherrie Dillard Your Psychic Potential, by Richard Ireland You Are Psychic, by Debra Katz Extraordinary Psychic, by Debra Katz Psychic Shield: Personal Handbook of Psychic Protection, by Caitlin Matthews Opening to Channel: How to Connect with your Guide, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer Dream Images and Symbols: A Dictionary, Kevin J. Todeschi How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides, by Ted Andrews Shamanic Journeying, by Sandra Ingraman General Education Soul Contracts, by Danielle MacKinnon The Anatomy of Spirit, by Caroline Myss The Chakra Handbook, by Shalila Sharamon Exploring Auras, by Susan G. Shumsky Hello from Heaven!, by Bill and Judy Guggenheim Journey of Souls, by Michael Newton Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian L. Weiss, Ph.D. On Death and Dying, by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross The Bright Light of Death, by Annabel Chaplin Embraced by the Light, by Betty Eadie Miscellaneous Favorites Care of the Soul, by Thomas Moore The Road Less Travelled, by Scott Peck, M.D. A New Earth: Awakening Your Life’s Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle Hidden Messages in the Water, by Masaru Emoto The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz The Gift of Fear, by Gavin De Becker Women Who Run With the Wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. Ordinary Magic: Everyday Life as a Spiritual Path, edited by John Welwood You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay Transformational Speaking, by Gail Larsen The Biology of Belief, by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. Happy Reading! With Love, Shauna 9/28/2016 0 Comments Top 5 Ways to Ignite Your PleasureLove Your Body
When you love the skin you’re in, your magnetism goes through the roof and your sex life will soar. So many women, and men too, get caught on the when-this-happens-I’ll-feel-better wagon and what ends up happening is they don’t actually accept and love themselves now, in the present moment. And, the present moment is where the magic unfolds. It’s where you fully connect with another person, get butterflies in your stomach and feel excitement build inside. To fully embrace your body, you need to love, accept and nurture every part of you, even those parts you’d like to change. When you fully embrace everything you have to offer, you ignite your inner passion. Focus on what you love about your body: silky skin, nice round assets, a beautiful smile, an hourglass figure, long legs… Free Your Mind It’s so important to calm our mind and learn to settle down and unwind so that we can release all the inner chatter that keeps our brain churning and instead slip into sensual pleasures and relaxation. One way to do this is to imagine that you are actually disconnecting from your day, work, your lists, household obligations, kids… and visualize connecting into your sensuality. You could also put some music on (Barry White is a huge favourite), light some candles or draw a bath. One of my clients has a ritual with her husband – one of them will text the other their code word for sexy time – she finishes up work, stops to pick up wine on her way home and gets her mind, and other parts of her, revved up, creating room for sexual pleasure, fun and whatever else shows up. Connect to Your Sensuous Energy Movement connects us into our passionate energy so quickly. The blood is pumping, our heart is beating faster and we feel alive, we feel connected with our bodies and ready to take on the world. Taking part in activities that change how you typically carry yourself can make you feel more confident in the bedroom, increase your arousal and even expand your orgasms. Bet you just thought of when you last worked out, I know I sure did! Learn to be open and expansive with your body: yoga, dance lessons, or even time at the gym will help you get more grounded, have a new appreciation for your body and feel more vibrant and alive! Spend Time Together – without looking at cellphones In the busy, fast-paced world that we live in, it’s easy to let date nights slide until they are non-existent. One way to combat this is to set at least one day every week to connect with your lover: going for a walk and then out for dinner, grabbing a coffee or going to a movie, grabbing some assets… When you make time to spend together, you feel more in sync with your partner, increasing your intimacy factor which leads to more sexual satisfaction. If you’re single, date yourself and get in touch with YOU. When you focus on being the juiciest, most amazing YOU, your magnetism will attract those who agree. Fooling Around I recently read an article titled Married Sex and in it the author explained that most people are just too tired to make the extra effort to have a mind-blowing experience settling for a 30 second blur of hot breathing. Sure, when you’ve been with a partner for a while, it’s easy to forego foreplay and head straight for the goods – quickies are fun don’t get me wrong. However, when you forego foreplay more often than not, you miss out on more fun, a deeper connection and delicious anticipation that builds when you take the time to fool around. Remember when you first met and go back to the basics and get curious about each other again: kissing, cuddling, caressing, light massage - basically do everything without “doing the deed” and enjoy exploring each other. I have helped hundreds clients and couples transform their intimacy levels from non-existent or barely there to revved up infernos by answering all their sexuality questions and solving their most intimate sexual dilemmas. Ultimately, inspiring my clients — whether single or coupled — to become more confident and self-empowered in and out of the bedroom. 9/27/2016 0 Comments Sperm at SafewayI like grocery shopping early in the morning as I can fondle the fruit in peace. We have been shopping at the same Safeway near our house for many years and Deborah is one of my favourite cashiers. She is funny, warm and has a beautiful energy that uplifts and I will usually wait in the longer line so I can chat and giggle with her.
As I put my things on the belt, I started to hear, “sperm” in my head. Even as a psychic, I paused and looked around me to see if maybe I was overhearing another conversation about sperm. I didn’t see anyone else and thought, hmmmm, sperm, interesting, very interesting. I looked up and whispered, “They don’t sell sperm at Safeway, are you having fun?” I kept putting my groceries on the belt and remembered that I hadn’t finished my coffee so figured I must still be half asleep. The customer in front of me paid, said goodbye and went on with their day so I moved up in front of Deborah. As soon as she saw me, she said, “Hi, Shauna, I leave for my trip next week!” I responded, “You must be so excited, let’s look forward to an amazing trip!” There were now happy sperm dancing in my mind along with someone shouting, “SPERM!” I looked up at my guides and in my mind asked, “What are you doing, what’s with the sperm?” Just then Deborah started to share that her son-in-law had recently been diagnosed with cancer and was going to start chemo in the weeks to come. I froze and asked her, “Are they planning to have a family?” And, she replied, “Yes, they had started to try but decided to wait until after his chemo.” Then it came… “If they want to have children, they need to discuss sperm removal and storage before his chemo treatments.” Her eyes filled with tears and she said, “Thank you, I need to go and call her right away!” What I’ve learned is that when the Universe needs to get a message to someone I may be the messenger and it usually involves yelling to get my attention when I’m shopping or otherwise engaged in my life. Debora’s son-in-law has stage 4 cancer and while there may be a miraculous turn of events, there is a soul that would very much like to come through to be a part of his and his family’s world. here to edit. 8/4/2016 0 Comments Divine Wealth AffirmationHello Gorgeous!
I thought I’d send you a vibrational affirmation for the month of August. The energies of July were I N T E N S E and now we get to cool our jets and chill for a bit. This affirmation is short, sweet and oh, so powerful. Yes! Simply chant it over and over again. Feel into what wealth and abundance really is for you. Trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Ask for divine support and be open and receptive to receiving. Wealth is here for you at all times, love bug. (If you noticed a nasty little whisper that just popped up, that means you have some energy to clear around wealth and money - book in and we'll kick it to the curb ;) ) First, connect into your Potency and if you're wondering how the hell do I do that? Super easy - put your hand on your belly just below your bellybutton. Imagine a fire glowing there - this is your power centre, your centre to create everything you desire. As you breathe in, imagine it gets stronger and stronger - potency is very much like the energy of wanting to kick someone's ass, minus the actual kicking. It may feel like anger to start but that's good! Keep breathing and building your connection to your potency. Imagine what it would feel like to climb a mountain and ROAR at the top of your lungs - potency baby! Feel it and enjoy it! Chant this affirmation until you know it by heart and it becomes part of your every day ritual. Part of your new language. I choose unlimited wealth and abundance now! Remember, you can't have it (whatever it is) until you choose it. (If your monkey brain just woke up again with - what, how, when and not going to happen for you - good news, we can clear that too!) Remember potency + words + choice, can be magical wands of healing and ascension. Sending you oceans of love, Shauna Inspired Living with Shauna Chandler Visit our website 403.923.9894 6/22/2016 0 Comments Expanded GratitudeGratitude aligns us with the power of love, and love is the highest vibration there is. To practice gratitude is to practice love. Whether it’s a negative or positive experience, when we express gratitude we are letting the Universe know that we take ownership for what has shown up in our world. By expressing gratitude, we strengthen our co-creation with the Universe to have even more of what lights us up.
Lately, I’ve been practicing gratitude in different ways, sort of expanded gratitude if you will. Being grateful for wonderful things that are in my life on a continuum throughout the day. Over the years I’ve gifted my gratitude to the universe, myself, in the morning and right before I fall asleep at the end of my day. For the last several months, my husband Greg and I have been sharing a gratitude journal and every day we write notes to each other, either expressing our gratitude, sharing something funny or professing our love to one another. What I know from doing this is that we each feel appreciated, heard and seen on an intimate level. It is an affirmation that our efforts are meaningful and life changing for one another. One morning I had the idea pop into my head that I would focus my gratitude on Greg throughout the day – expanded gratitude – and see what that was like. I wanted to go deeper into my feelings and thoughts, truly exploring gratitude and the magic in my world - to be present to all the thoughtful, caring ways Greg shows up to me, us and our family. June 11, 2016 7:30 am – Fresh coffee – I adore this man. 7:45 am – Early morning loving – I am grateful to experience his pleasure, the softness of his hands, the warmth of his breath and the sparkle in his eyes. 9:30 am – Breakfast dishes are all put away – thank you. More coffee – bliss. 12:00 pm - Grateful to be held in one of his bear hugs that make time stand still. 12:05 pm – Immense gratitude as I watch him provide tech support to my angry computer. 2:30 pm – You know when you feel such happiness and joy wrapped in a crazy-ass grin? That’s how I feel riding on the back of Greg’s motorbike. 4:15 pm – So thankful that I don’t have to do the “blue jobs” (garbage, kitty litter…) 6:00 pm – Grateful that he loves to cook – his mission is to “blow my mind” when he cooks for me – and he does. 7:15 pm – Soft caress on my shoulder as we watch a movie together. 9:30 pm – Gratitude fills my heart as I watch Greg tuck our daughter into bed. He is so loving, gentle and nurturing with her. I am grateful that she has such an amazing Father. 10:00 pm – As I drift off to sleep I revisit our day together and am grateful that he is in my world, loving me, sharing with me and I’m excited for what tomorrow will bring. What I learned from doing this is that it’s easy to say the words “thank you”, but feeling gratitude in your heart is something much deeper and more profound and when we look for things to be grateful for and about, the Universe conspires to gift us with even more. Gratitude gives the gift of nurturing, uplifting love that is felt on a soul level. What are you most grateful for? Who are you most grateful for? What experiences do you cherish with all your heart? Shauna xo Feeling stuck? Book a session with me and we'll figure it out together... 4/19/2016 0 Comments Planting Seeds of GratitudeSeveral years ago I began keeping a gratitude journal. I had become inspired by Oprah Winfrey:
“I know for sure that appreciating whatever shows up for you in life changes your personal vibration. You radiate and generate more goodness for yourself when you're aware of all you have and not focusing on your have-nots.” So, I found a journal, opened to the first page, wrote the date at the top and placed the numbers 1 through 5 along the left side of the page. Then, I began to list the 5 things I was grateful for; health, beautiful home, my family, chocolate, new cd to blast in the car and then something wonderful happened – my list kept going - to be living in Canada, my peeps, coffee, fresh flowers, belly laughs, lip gloss, sacred space, blue skies, the Angels, the Universe, baby toes, painting, writing, nature, birds… My list filled the page and I haven’t looked back. In addition to writing down everything I'm grateful for, I often share my gratitude out loud with the Universe throughout the day. I will find myself stop as soon as something wonderful happens and give thanks. Gratitude is the quickest way to bring more goodness into your world as the thoughts you put out will always find a way to come back to you. And, gratitude also rids the body and mind of all the toxic stuff like anger, depression, sadness, guilt and so forth. Planting seeds of gratitude daily roots us so we can grow love, abundance and recognition of a life that is filled with beauty. What seeds have you planted today? “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey Shauna Chandler [email protected] 403.923.9894 3/30/2016 0 Comments Energy Flows Where Attention Goes Energy Flows Where Attention Goes
Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? We all have and what if I told you there is a way to nip that cycle in the bud and use those days to your advantage? When something doesn’t go as planned – car breaks down, we are passed over for a promotion, had an argument, made a mistake – we tend to get angry and tense, resentful, we want to win and have the last word, and, usually feel hurt or disappointed. Instead, what if we course-corrected and caught our thoughts and emotions before spiraling into an unhealthy emotional abyss and chose something different? When we focus on what is or what’s missing or what we don’t like, we actually solidify this energy into our world and begin to feel this lack, or upset, on a deeper level. If we focus on how busy we are, we’ll be sure to add even more to our plate. When we focus on blaming others we continue to have difficult interactions. Energy flows where attention goes. We all look forward to enjoy…
These things are often tossed aside when we do get caught up in the unhealthy emotions that trigger us. When we learn to re-direct our thoughts and feelings back to a desired outcome or target, we are quickly back in the flow of grace, goodness and love; realigned to everything that we enjoy. Questions to ask
When adversity pops up, pause before reacting, hold your course and reach for solid ground and refocus on your desired outcome or state of being. With practice, you’ll be able to reassess instead of react, while being mindful of what is going on around you. By remaining focused on our desired outcome, we can quickly course correct as required and start to build momentum again for what we would truly like to create more of. Always Love, Shauna |
Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021