RECONNECT with your true essence
REIGNITE your naturally inherent inner passion and joy
NEVER dull your sparkle again
Hello, Beautiful Soul!
My name is Shauna and I'm a Spiritual Medium and Personal Transformation Expert, and I am here to help you unlock the life of your dreams.
If you're struggling with negative thoughts and emotions, are tired or depleted, feel like you’re being selfish for prioritizing your own needs, have trouble forgiving - even though you know you should, or feel like there just has to be more to life than this, you have come to the right place.
I get it, I've been there. I spent a good portion of my adult life feeling angry, disconnected, depressed and even suicidal at times. I suffered from severe mood swings, panic attacks, feeling not-good-enough and was convinced there was something wrong with me.
Through my own personal journey, that began over 20 years ago, I chose to deep-dive into myself with the help of worldly spiritual teachers, coaches and mentors. Throughout this time of internal healing and growth, I developed unique tools, techniques and ideas that helped me find true, lasting peace within. I have been blessed to share these teachings through my private practice, allowing clients and students to shed the weight of all the needless debris, allowing them to connect to their True Authentic Self.
Through Inner Brilliance Unleashed, I am bringing these teachings to you.
As we shift from worn out beliefs and soul blockages, we UP LEVEL in every aspect of our lives. New possibilities that are in alignment with who we are at a soul level, begin to magically appear. Deliberate creation allows us to manifest our hearts desire as if by magic.
The teachings and tools you receive here are powerful, life-changing and are designed to unleash the infinite potential inside you.
I hold sacred space and I do not hold back. I show up 100% for you, for your soul's growth and brilliance, and in return, I ask you to also fully commit to your own evolution and growth. Your level of growth and transformation rely on your level of commitment. I cannot make you do anything that you do not choose to do. I will, however, facilitate and hold sacred space for you to let go of anything no longer in alignment with your authentic self as you reconnect and reignite your Inner Brilliance.
It takes tremendous courage to show up differently in your life. In order to unleash your Inner Brilliance, you will be asked to acknowledge old wounds, hurts, beliefs and anything else that may be holding you back from being who you really are. It's not easy, but the cost of not showing up as your brilliant, authentic self, will continue to take it's toll. As we begin to look at how we've been mastering life up to this point, it can be difficult to see ourselves in a new light.
Once you allow yourself to shift, change and heal, you will feel such lightness -- such clarity -- that the hard work will have been worth it a thousand times over. You will feel like you can finally breathe fully, as you unleash your Inner Brilliance and share yourself with the world around you.
I am honored to bear witness as you unleash your Inner Brilliance, bringing you back to who you truly are, to live the life you came here to live -- filled with ease, joy and magical possibilities.
With Love,
My name is Shauna and I'm a Spiritual Medium and Personal Transformation Expert, and I am here to help you unlock the life of your dreams.
If you're struggling with negative thoughts and emotions, are tired or depleted, feel like you’re being selfish for prioritizing your own needs, have trouble forgiving - even though you know you should, or feel like there just has to be more to life than this, you have come to the right place.
I get it, I've been there. I spent a good portion of my adult life feeling angry, disconnected, depressed and even suicidal at times. I suffered from severe mood swings, panic attacks, feeling not-good-enough and was convinced there was something wrong with me.
Through my own personal journey, that began over 20 years ago, I chose to deep-dive into myself with the help of worldly spiritual teachers, coaches and mentors. Throughout this time of internal healing and growth, I developed unique tools, techniques and ideas that helped me find true, lasting peace within. I have been blessed to share these teachings through my private practice, allowing clients and students to shed the weight of all the needless debris, allowing them to connect to their True Authentic Self.
Through Inner Brilliance Unleashed, I am bringing these teachings to you.
As we shift from worn out beliefs and soul blockages, we UP LEVEL in every aspect of our lives. New possibilities that are in alignment with who we are at a soul level, begin to magically appear. Deliberate creation allows us to manifest our hearts desire as if by magic.
The teachings and tools you receive here are powerful, life-changing and are designed to unleash the infinite potential inside you.
I hold sacred space and I do not hold back. I show up 100% for you, for your soul's growth and brilliance, and in return, I ask you to also fully commit to your own evolution and growth. Your level of growth and transformation rely on your level of commitment. I cannot make you do anything that you do not choose to do. I will, however, facilitate and hold sacred space for you to let go of anything no longer in alignment with your authentic self as you reconnect and reignite your Inner Brilliance.
It takes tremendous courage to show up differently in your life. In order to unleash your Inner Brilliance, you will be asked to acknowledge old wounds, hurts, beliefs and anything else that may be holding you back from being who you really are. It's not easy, but the cost of not showing up as your brilliant, authentic self, will continue to take it's toll. As we begin to look at how we've been mastering life up to this point, it can be difficult to see ourselves in a new light.
Once you allow yourself to shift, change and heal, you will feel such lightness -- such clarity -- that the hard work will have been worth it a thousand times over. You will feel like you can finally breathe fully, as you unleash your Inner Brilliance and share yourself with the world around you.
I am honored to bear witness as you unleash your Inner Brilliance, bringing you back to who you truly are, to live the life you came here to live -- filled with ease, joy and magical possibilities.
With Love,
Inner Brilliance Unleashed Program
If you said Yes to any of those questions then coaching is right for you.
When we feel honored and heard, our lives can change in miraculous ways. We begin to show up differently, accessing our full power, knowing exactly what it is we’d like to create, and the steps required to achieve our desired results. This 3 month program will give you the power to find everything you ever wanted residing within you, like a well of potential, waiting to be expressed. Unleash your Inner Brilliance.
3 Month Program - Full Price $2200 CDN
*Payment plans available.
You're Invited...
If you’re ready to transform your life through reclaiming your Inner Brilliance, then I invite you to send me an email for more information to see how I can provide miraculous results in the quality and performance of your life. Email Shauna: [email protected]
- Is your heart aching to be happier?
- Do you have dreams and desires you've been wanting to fulfill but they never seem to get any closer?
- Are you ready to create a new chapter where your heart leads the way and happiness is your measure of success?
If you said Yes to any of those questions then coaching is right for you.
When we feel honored and heard, our lives can change in miraculous ways. We begin to show up differently, accessing our full power, knowing exactly what it is we’d like to create, and the steps required to achieve our desired results. This 3 month program will give you the power to find everything you ever wanted residing within you, like a well of potential, waiting to be expressed. Unleash your Inner Brilliance.
3 Month Program - Full Price $2200 CDN
*Payment plans available.
- 1 - 6o Minute Session to look at what you'd like to create
- Weekly 30 minute sessions to assist you with whatever you need to keep working toward your goals
- Weekly email support Monday-Friday
You're Invited...
If you’re ready to transform your life through reclaiming your Inner Brilliance, then I invite you to send me an email for more information to see how I can provide miraculous results in the quality and performance of your life. Email Shauna: [email protected]
Your Inner Brilliance is Waiting!