Connecting with the spirit world is a natural gift available for anyone to tap into and in order to make a connection with your child in Heaven as easy as possible, there may be certain things that need to be cleared so that you can make a connection. Things such as judgement, shame, or worry about what other people will think if they know you can connect with your child on the Other Side.
Let me ask you… Do you feel like there is more for you to explore with your abilities to connect with your child on the Other Side? Have you felt like nobody understands and you cannot share openly about your desire to connect with your child in Heaven? Do you want to feel more at ease with your abilities in order to make the connection? Are you craving an easy path to explore and develop your abilities so you can have a nice, clear connection with your child in Heaven?
When you release any judgement, shame, and worry of what other people will think you will…
• Begin to feel more at ease connecting with the Other Side.
• Start to look for more opportunities to explore your spiritual abilities.
• Trust your awareness to move you in the right direction.
• Be open to new possibilities and take the necessary steps.
• Experience communicating with your child on the Other Side in a way that is real for you.
Here's what we'll cover:
Step 1. Release Any Judgement in Making the Connection.
Step 2. How the Personal Energy of Shame Can Impact Your Connection.
Step 3. How to Release the Worry of What Other People Will Think About Your Ability to Communicate with Your Child in Heaven.
Choosing to release any judgment, shame, or worry around connecting with your child in Heaven, is not only possible - it is vital to your connection with your child on the Other Side.
Talking to Your Child in Heaven is a 17-pg eBook for only $14.95 CAD.
Upon completing your purchase, please check your email inbox (including your spam folder) for an email that will include your downloadable file.
This eBook is in Portable Document Format (PDF). Any PDF reader, also called Document Views, such as Adobe or GDocs will automatically open your file.
Let me ask you… Do you feel like there is more for you to explore with your abilities to connect with your child on the Other Side? Have you felt like nobody understands and you cannot share openly about your desire to connect with your child in Heaven? Do you want to feel more at ease with your abilities in order to make the connection? Are you craving an easy path to explore and develop your abilities so you can have a nice, clear connection with your child in Heaven?
When you release any judgement, shame, and worry of what other people will think you will…
• Begin to feel more at ease connecting with the Other Side.
• Start to look for more opportunities to explore your spiritual abilities.
• Trust your awareness to move you in the right direction.
• Be open to new possibilities and take the necessary steps.
• Experience communicating with your child on the Other Side in a way that is real for you.
Here's what we'll cover:
Step 1. Release Any Judgement in Making the Connection.
Step 2. How the Personal Energy of Shame Can Impact Your Connection.
Step 3. How to Release the Worry of What Other People Will Think About Your Ability to Communicate with Your Child in Heaven.
Choosing to release any judgment, shame, or worry around connecting with your child in Heaven, is not only possible - it is vital to your connection with your child on the Other Side.
Talking to Your Child in Heaven is a 17-pg eBook for only $14.95 CAD.
Upon completing your purchase, please check your email inbox (including your spam folder) for an email that will include your downloadable file.
This eBook is in Portable Document Format (PDF). Any PDF reader, also called Document Views, such as Adobe or GDocs will automatically open your file.