1/20/2019 0 Comments What is a Mediumship Reading?A Mediumship Reading is an opportunity for you to connect with your loved ones who have crossed over. As a medium, I provide a voice for your loved ones to communicate with you. I will spend a few minutes making sure you are relaxed and comfortable and I will explain how I receive the information from your loved ones.
Each session also includes intuitive guidance giving you direction on the past, present and future of your life. I may see, hear, feel, know or even smell the information your loved ones would like me to share. It is the client’s job to interpret how the meaning or information is significant and it can be a bit like piecing together a puzzle. Here are some of the types of things you may hear in a reading: Characteristics – This can be things about your loved one such as:
Evidence – These can be things about your loved one such as:
What a Medium experiences during a reading Let’s pretend you would like to connect with your Grandpa George who died.
Things to keep in mind for your reading Grandpa George is still Grandpa George. Did you know that when we’re in spirit, our personality doesn’t change? So, if your Grandpa George was funny while he was here on the earth plane, he’ll have that same sense of humor when he communicates from the other side. If your loved one was very quiet or serious, that personality will also shine through. If Grandpa George didn’t know how to manage his money, and you wouldn’t have asked him tax advice while he was living… guess what? He still won’t be able to answer your questions about taxes. You do not need to wait a certain amount of time before seeing a Medium I have done readings for clients the same week their loved ones have crossed over. Often, our loved ones in spirit are eager to communicate with loved ones left behind to reassure them that they are at peace on the other side. Be open to the Loved Ones that do come through in your reading Just as in life, there is no guarantee that your loved one in heaven will come through during your session. While I do my very best to connect with the loved ones you are wanting to come forward, I am not in control of Spirits on the other side. If you are planning to have a reading, you can think about your loved one before your appointment. Some clients will even ask their loved one to be at the reading with them. All Readings are Different Some loved ones give lots of details that may include first names and dates while others step in the room so you can feel their energy with you. Please do not wait to hear a specific or exact phrase from your loved ones as it may not be important to them and they are working hard to communicate what they feel is most important for you during your session. Each and every session is different. If you do not understand the information being received, please write it down and check the information with your family. Please keep an open mind and listen to the information coming through so you can have a positive session. Questions Please write them down and bring them with you to your session. It is common to get lost in the emotions and forget what you wanted to ask. A Mediumship reading can be life changing and will often give us more to consider about life after death. Many are greatly comforted knowing that their loved ones are safe and at peace and that they are guiding, encouraging and loving them from the other side. If you would like to connect with your loved ones in Spirit, contact Shauna today to schedule your reading. 403.923.9894 / [email protected]
1/3/2019 0 Comments 7 Ways to Own the New YearAs we welcome the new year and new energies, we have a beautiful opportunity to reflect on all the soul growth and life mastery we have accomplished up to this point in our lives. While some would say there is still much to master, I invite you to see things as they are, even amidst chaos and uncertainty, and start to look for the new. New possibilities, a new angle, a new perspective, even a new version of you.
A few years ago, I sat with the new year energies and connected deep into my heart and began to look at everything I desired to bring into my world. Instead of looking at resolutions, I began to look at magical possibilities. What would I like to have in every area of my life and what are the inspired action steps to get there? What are your heart’s desires? What are your passions, your fantasies? Those are the essence of who you really are and when you connect with them, and begin to invite them into your world, the Universe will meet you each and every time. 7 Ways to Own the New year 1. Celebrate you We often look for the struggle, the pain or the disappointment, instead of celebrating that we showed up in the first place. Look for ways to celebrate who you are, in this moment, perfectly imperfect. Instead of looking for what is right, skinny enough or acceptable, look at what makes you uniquely you. That’s where the magic is and that’s what the world is waiting for. When you celebrate you, your energy field changes and then the world around you begins to change. Knowing you are enough. Always. 2. Go after your passions A wonderful teacher of mine once said, “If it doesn’t light you up - let it go.” She was so right. Yes, of course there are tasks that must be completed but what I’m asking you to ponder are those things that you’ve kept that are no longer in alignment with who you are. They may be worn out beliefs, limitations, relationships, those bird statues that your mother gave you, ideas, stuff or anything else I haven’t mentioned. When you get clear about what no longer serves you, you’ll make more room for your passions. Does the idea of picking up a paint brush fill you with joy? Do you dream of designing your own garden or line of furniture? Are there places in the world you just know will be in your travel plans at some point? Not sure what your passions are? Begin asking the Universe every day to show you what you’re passionate about and then watch for signs, synchronicities and magic. 3. Ask for what you desire. There are stirrings in your soul and when you begin to honour them and look for ways to embrace and unleash them, you must include asking in your magic. Asking others, asking the Universe, asking YOU. You cannot ask too much and only in asking can you keep an ongoing dialog with your guides, masters, angels and your inner knowing. Contrary to popular belief, other people are not always rooting for us, looking for ways to make our lives easier or asking us what we need. That’s our job. What do you desire? Now, go ask for it and keeping looking for the possibilities. 4. Grab the learning and move on Wayne Dyer used to say, “You didn’t fail, you just have a result.” When we begin to see life from this perspective, we can look at what we learned or gained and then let it go and make another choice. Life is all about choices. Choosing to make that call, eat more vegetables, nourish our spirit OR sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring, choosing pizza for the 4th night this week or ignoring our spirit altogether. If your choice didn’t bring you the intended result you wanted, look for what worked and move on instead of marinating in what didn’t work or distracting yourself in all the ways it went sideways. Learn to gather up what was a win and go back to the drawing board with a revised plan. 5. Nourish your body, mind and spirit If we are running on fumes, putting everyone else before us, we get worn down, depleted and just plain cranky. Just like putting the oxygen mask on you first in case of an emergency, you can’t give from an empty vessel. When you make your needs a priority, you have more to give, your creative juices flow and you’re much happier. What does your body require? What is your mind asking for? Are you listening to the whispers of your soul? 6. Be kind to you and who you are becoming Soul exploration and growth can be exhilarating, frustrating and downright impossible at times. What I know for sure is this - you are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment. All the trials, tribulations and triumphs have brought you to this exact place. Could you have done things differently? Of course. Could you have done it better, with more pizzazz, finesse, grammatically-correct flair? Yup. Instead of looking back at what you could have, would have done differently, be kind to you and your process. What if this year is about becoming who you came to be? What a gift. 7. Be unapologetically YOU As you explore more of you this year, you’ll find more of your non-negotiables. What works for you? What doesn’t? Are there shortcuts you’re willing to take or are you prepared to get your hands dirty for as long as it takes? When you begin to really ask what your desires are, be willing to be 100% honest with yourself, you’ll begin to show up differently. Some people will cheer you on while others will want you to go back to the version they knew yesterday. Be unapologetically YOU. There is no one on this planet like you, who can do what only you can do; swearing like a pirate, dancing until dawn, slamming back tequila like there’s no tomorrow – whatever your superpowers are – OWN THEM. Unapologetically. Shauna Chandler is a Spiritual Medium, Teacher and Guide, an avid women’s empowerment advocate, and a loyal coffee and chocolate lover. Her passion is sharing insights and inspiration, assisting clients with clearing anything holding them back, creating room for magical possibilities to take root and grow. Shauna lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with her husband and daughter. |
Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021