3/13/2017 0 Comments Full Moon Releasing RitualHi, Beautiful Soul!
The Full Moon is the energetic time to let go of all the things that no longer serve you and parts of your life that you have outgrown. It is also a time for forgiveness, to heal from situations or people that might have hurt you. This month, the Full Moon, falls in the sign of Virgo. Use the virgin’s healing energy to soothe and heal any areas of your life that are causing you pain or stress. A Full Moon ritual helps you to release any negativity in your life. It will allow you to set new intentions for the coming of the New Moon, which will fill you with fresh ideas and new beginnings. Are there people or situations in your life that you’re finally willing to let go of? Are there things you want to move on from and leave behind? Do you feel the need to let go of your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual baggage? YES? Wonderful because TONIGHT is the perfect time to so the releasing work. I'm giving you a super simple Full Moon Releasing Ritual that will teach you how to let your fears and worries out into the Universe so the Divine can take care of them for you. Last night (Sunday) was the March Full Moon, so tonight we are still in the Full Moon window but SHE is waning (getting smaller in size) - the perfect time for releasing. Full Moon Releasing Ritual Gather the following items as you feel guided: a pen, paper, matches, a candle, two small bowls, water, and if you wish, incense - Palo Santo is my favourite, crystals (I'm working with angel aura, rose quartz and amethyst ). Find a place outside under the full moon to perform your ritual or a quiet place indoors will work nicely as well. Take a moment to breathe, ground + center your energy. Free yourself from any distractions and give yourself the gift of this ritual. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, in and out, until your mind is clear and your body is fully relaxed. Create a sacred space. Fill one bowl with water, and place both bowls in front of you. Pick your favorite candle or incense and light it. Place your crystals as you feel guided or you may wish to hold them. If you would like to take full advantage of Virgo’s self-healing qualities, choose one with a crisp, earthy smell that isn’t too strong or heavy -- like jasmine, sandalwood, or citrus. Write down your troubles. On a piece of paper, start with - I now release this and write down the things or people you want to let go of, the beliefs you want to free yourself from, or any habits or situations that have given you fear or anxiety. Write as much or as little as you like, but the more detail you put into each problem, the easier it will be for the moon to work its magic. Visualize the healing. When you’re done, close your eyes and imagine all of your problems being released, healed or shifted. Take as much time as you like. Really visualize how it would feel to resolve the situation to know that it is taken care of. How would you feel? What would your reaction be? What would you do after? End with forgiveness and release. When you’re done visualizing, let all the negative energy you have towards those problems drain away. By letting go of the situation or the problem, you create room in yourself for growth and new opportunities. Seeds of magical possibilities can begin to take root. Give your intentions to the universe. Breathe in deeply and declare, “I now let this go. And so it is.” Hold your paper over the candle and allow it to catch fire, then place it into the empty fire safe bowl to burn. The smoke will carry your intentions to the heavens to be transmuted. Wash away your old self. Wash your hands in the bowl of water. This symbolizes cleansing and opening yourself up to new things. Then, sit in silence with your hands crossed over your heart for a moment. Thank the moon for releasing you from your doubts and old frame of mind, and for filling your heart with new beginnings. You may also wish to bathe with Himalayan salt to further assist your emotional journey. Most importantly, go with what works for you. If your intuition tells you to meditate on your problems or to rip up your paper instead of burning it, follow that path. At the end of it all, the ritual is all about your willingness to let go and make room for what your heart is calling for. You may receive guidance, clarity or action steps from your ritual. If so, you may wish to take a few minutes to journal your insights. These magical insights will continue to flow into your awareness and may even show up for you in your dreams. The New Moon, which takes place on March 28th, is a time for new beginnings and new ways of looking at things. I'll be sending you a wonderful gift in the next couple of weeks that I think you're going to LOVE - so keep your eyes on your inbox for emails from me! Magical Possibilities, Shauna
Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021