![]() Spirit or Ego? How to Know Which is Speaking to You Imagine this… You’ve made a choice to have something show up in your world and now that thing [house / yoga retreat / vacation / investment opportunity] shows up, just like magic. It’s like you waved a magic wand and here it is. YES! However… Your mind starts to go over the financial or time commitments, that are just outside your comfort zone, and you start to re-think your choice. You feel like you were SO sure, and now you’re not so sure. Or how about something like this? When your admin assistant showed up, they were perfect for your business. Fast forward a few months and not so much. Your initial response is to let them go but then you start to think about the aftermath of their departure. Hiring and training someone new, unfinished projects, lost revenue… After much deliberation, and some sleepless nights, you were SO SURE about letting them go… and then your mind popped in with the numbers and the starting over scenarios and now you’re wondering if you can hold off a bit longer or maybe they’ll change. Or… You make a decision and demand that it be so – BAM! Your next step immediately shows up. Call this person, Implement XYZ, Change service providers… Then, an interesting thing starts to happen, you feel uncomfortable at the idea of picking up the phone or making the changes that will get you from point A to point B… that support what you were asking for. You were SO clear before, and now… Well, maybe it’s not what you really want, anyway. Maybe now isn’t the right time. Maybe all those reasons why you can’t jump out of your comfort zone start to pop up. Call it a gut feeling, intuition or guidance from Spirit… we are all being guided in the direction of our highest expression and meaningful creations. Your True Essence longs for expansion, joy, purpose and meaning. Your True Essence works alongside Spirit (the universe and your angels and other heavenly helpers) to guide you in the direction of your heart’s desire. And, when our awareness, intuition, true essence or soul speak to us, we know it’s coming from our heart, we know it’s ON and it’s true for us. The tricky part is… we are also being guided in other directions. You have an ego and a subconscious mind, both of which have vested interests in keeping you right where you are. You see, your brain’s job is to make sure you survive, not leap out of your comfort zone and chase after your dreams. No, its job is to keep you right where you are and that’s when the reasons, or excuses and distractions, come into play. It can feel like we are being bombarded with decisions to be made every day and understanding which voice is which (spirit or ego) is a vital skill for anyone who desires to enhance their growth, creative power and overall happiness. Is it the voice of Spirit, or is it Ego? How can you know which one is speaking to you? I’ll let you in on a little, or not so little, secret that is most important, which is… We all have an intuition, inner knowing or awareness. Each one of us. It’s real and it’s always communicating with us. Somewhere in your energy field, either consciously or unconsciously, you know what is true for you. All the time. What happens is, on some level, we choose to block our awareness… not listen to or act on our inner knowing. Common reasons why we block our awareness…
The good news is that un-blocking your awareness is also a choice. If you allow your awareness to just know, then you don’t have to play with doubting, second guessing, or NOT knowing. If you always just know, and you know without any doubt that you know, then all you have to “do” is choose to hear your inner knowing… and then act on it. That’s right, choose to hear your awareness, your inner knowing. So, how do you do that? 1. Slow down the “critter mind.” By far, meditation is the best way to s l o w down the “critter mind”, allowing you to access your awareness and universal energies with ease. The amazing benefits of meditation are well-documented and by meditating, we enter into a different brain wave and this is the direct link to our intuition, our inner knowing. I hear it time and time again… I HATE meditating and I don’t have time to meditate. Luckily, there are LOTS of ways that you can practice slowing down the critter mind. Everyone’s brain responds differently to different mindfulness practices and I encourage you to find what works best for you. Some enjoy breath work or music, while exercise and moving meditation work for others. You could even try guided meditations, adult coloring books or even mundane tasks like ironing or washing dishes. Try this… Focused breathing will quiet our mind and bring our awareness back to our heart space – where our intuition lives and where our angels and guides communicate with us. Simply breathe in for the count of 5, hold for the count of 5 and release for the count of 5. Continue doing this until you feel a shift in your energy. And, EVERYONE has 5 minutes to invest in themselves. While sitting in traffic you could be doing breath work, setting your alarm to get up earlier before the kids wake up, in the shower… you get the idea. When you choose to learn how to quiet your critter mind, you will find ways to best support you. 2. Empty Vessel. Next, after we have slowed down the mind, we are going to empty the mind. This is done by releasing all thoughts, worries, concerns or anything else that is not serving you. Here is a short visualization to get you started… Close your eyes and continue to breathe deeply and imagine yourself surrounded by beautiful while light. Now, as you breathe in, imagine breathing in this white light, allowing it to fill your entire body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and fingers. As you breathe out, imagine breathing out everything that is not serving you, letting go of all stress, worry and fear. If you have had a day filled with unease, you may need to sit a little longer to get to a place where you feel expansive. Continue to breathe in this white light and when you feel that you have let go of your day, or whatever comes up for you, then imagine this white light, which is you, expanding out from your body, and see it expanding farther and father, encompassing the world, the universe, and beyond. When we create an empty vessel, we create a magical playground to access our highest knowing, to play with our angels and guides and become very clear on what our heart’s desires are. 3. Stay in Question. When we stay in question, we stay in constant communication with the universe, with our awareness, with our angels. It’s like keeping a door open for divine guidance and inner knowing to continuously flow through. Want to know what your intuitive guidance or awareness sound like? Ask questions… What would it take to add $5,000 to my business this month? What would it take for my new car to show up? What would it take to attract a fun, engaging, loving partner? What would it take for [XYZ] to show up in my life? What would it take for this project to be filled with ease and fun? All of your questions are answered, perhaps immediately and sometimes it takes a little bit of time for your awareness to receive the action steps or the knowing. When you ask for guidance, you’ll receive guidance. Notice how it shows up: did the universe move someone into your world, did it show up when you were painting, was it a feeling you had? Your whole life can change by asking questions. Jack Canfield and Marc Victor Hansen discovered the title for their Chicken Soup for the Soul series, simply by asking for “a mega-bestselling title.” And, the rest is history. Ask and it is given. Every time. 4. What is your body telling you? Have you ever chosen to do something but it didn't really “feel good” in your body? Our body sends us messages all day and when we learn to really pay attention to these messages, this can be a game changer in our world. Imagine you meet someone for the first time and you instantly get a discomfort in your body. That is your body’s way of letting you know something is off and that you may not jive with this person. This feeling is an invitation from your body… hey, this is not someone you would enjoy spending time with. Notice how this “no, not for you,” feeling felt in your body. The flip side, is when you meet someone and you feel excited and lit up like you’ve been waiting for them to arrive. Perhaps it’s a lightness in your heart or your stomach. I refer to these “YES” hits as champagne bubbles… it just feels amazing. Notice how your body communicates this with you. Think of your body as this walking antenna, infinitely aware of the energies around you and always guiding you toward people, things and places that support and nourish your soul. 5. Practice, practice, practice. The best way to learn a new skill, or polish one that may be a little rusty, is by practicing. The art of repetition, creates new neuropathways in our brain and over time we master this new skill and it becomes a way of life for us. Being mindful of our thoughts also takes practice. If we begin to notice and witness our thoughts during the day we may start to see patterns of lack or worry and hear the distinct “critter mind” come to the surface of our awareness. When you notice a non-supportive thought, use what I like to call deflection, and replace it with an empowering thought. For years I would think, “I’m so tired”, and guess what? My universe brought me more things to support that thought… my sleep would be interrupted, I wouldn’t nourish my body or rest when I need to. Here are some Power Thoughts for you to consider…
Oftentimes our ego will get louder just before we breakthrough so do keep that in mind as you continue to reach past your comfort zone and learn to trust your intuition, your inner knowing, more and more. Thoughts from ego are typically fear-based, angry and mischievous, often leaving you feeling "off", while thoughts from spirit, your awareness, are uplifting, kind and nurturing and these thoughts will feel true for you. Remember, you always know what is true for you.
4/6/2017 0 Comments Love Note From Your AngelsHello, Beautiful Soul! Sometimes life gently nudges us closer to our dreams and then there comes a time when you need to trust that the Universe has your back, that your Angels will catch you if you fall, and you just go for it. This can seem daunting at times, but rest assured, when we make that decision and begin to take committed action steps toward achieving our goals, the Universe, and our Angels, will always meet us halfway. Take a few moments today and strengthen your connection with your Angels. See, feel or imagine a beautiful golden, white ball of energy in front of you. This ball is filled with universal energies that support, uplift and nurture you. Take a deep breath and step into this energy ball, surrounding you with divine, loving energies. Breathe deeply for the count of 5, hold for 5, and release for the count of 5. Allow your Angels to align and balance your energies, giving you clarity of choice and the magic of possibilities. Soul Sessions are a wonderful way to gain clarity, strengthen your connection with your guides and angels and gain action steps to create lasting momentum to move you closer to your heart's desire. Keep believing, Shauna xo 4/6/2017 0 Comments Love Note From Your AngelsHello, Beautiful Soul! Your message today is filled with such love and support from your Angels. Many of you are tired and you need to slow down and rest so that your heart has a chance to rejuvenate and your soul a chance to breathe. In giving of yourself, do ensure that you are first giving to you. Only when your cup is full do you have extra love, support, encouragement or whatever to give to those you care for. Take a few moments today and strengthen your connection with your Angels. Place your hands on your heart and begin to breathe into your heart and with your exhale release anything that isn't yours to carry. Continue to breathe this way until you feel your mind calm. When you calm your mind through your breath, you will hear, see or just know that your Angels are with you, guiding and nurturing you. Keep believing, Shauna xo |
Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021