Let’s face it – 2016 has been a bit of a butt-kicker, BUT, 2017 is New Beginnings just waiting for us to choose. 2016 was a 9 year which corresponds to an ending of a cycle, so, 2017 is truly a new beginning for all of us. And while the holidays can be such a special time of celebration and joy, it can also bring up a lot of stuff for many. This time of year can shine a light on “the gap” which is that place inside where you feel a void between where you are on your journey today and where you truly desire to be. If you’ve been feeling the intense energies, you are not alone. I personally found the energies from this last year outrageously intense, pushing me to release anything that was in the way of my dreams. Man, did it ever kick butt! So many of you have also experienced this intense release giving you an opportunity to let go of anything that is no longer serving you. The holidays can bring added stress, upheaval, upleveling or… good old drama trauma – you know the kind where certain people just can’t be in the same room together for too long before the cray cray kicks in? I began to wonder what it would take to keep our vibe high and clean even in the midst of crazy, chaotic energy – throughout the holidays or any time of year. We all want to experience that magic each and every day and trust me, with a little focus and perseverance it will become your reality. As we get ready to say goodbye to 2016, I have a quick energy practice to help you shift your energy and bring that magic, which is really you, into your day. 1. Imagine a bright golden light emanating from your heart space. See this light travel up through the top of your head and up into the heavens. This is your soul connection anchoring your connection into the Divine Matrix. 2. Take a deep breath and imagine this golden light coming back down into the top of your head, then down your neck and shoulders, arms, torso, down your legs and into Mother Earth’s welcoming arms. 3. Take another deep breath and imagine this golden light bathing Mother Earth with Divine Love and your Divine Essence. See this golden light infused with a vibrant green light as it begins to travel back up to the bottom of your feet, up your legs and back into your heart space. 4. As you breathe in, you breathe in the light of the divine and the light of Mother Earth. Allow these beautiful energies to combine with your Divine Essence. 5. Continue to breathe this light into every cell and molecule within your being and breathe out anything that is not 100% of this light. 6. Give thanks to the Divine, Mother Earth, to yourself, and to all the teachers in your life who are helping you to recognize and claim this gift. Let the light radiate your gratitude. 7. And, when you’re ready, open your eyes and carry this light with you as you move back into your day. Remember that you are always surrounded by Divine Life Force Energy – even in the midst of apparent chaos, including the holidays! This energy is always available to you when you choose to tune into it, and this practice will help you do that every time. Wishing you SO much love and magic this holiday season, and all the blessings your heart can hold and more for 2017! Shauna
![]() For many of us this year has had amazing and wondrous things show up in our lives and, we’ve also had our share of struggles and disappointments too. Most people want to zoom ahead into the New Year and forget the mistakes and messiness from this year. But, there is SO much leverage to be gained from taking a look at the past twelve months and finding the wisdom that you can take with you into next year. When we acknowledge what we’ve learned from our experiences, we will know better the next time similar experiences show up. This can save us time, energy and unnecessary detours. So often, we focus on what isn’t working, that we miss the important accomplishments, big or small, that we haven’t celebrated. I know for me there are some hard-won lessons I would rather not repeat and maybe we all have some emotional baggage that’s ready to go for once and for all. While many year in review rituals seem quite intense and complex, this one is simple and direct. Before you decide on your New Year resolutions or set life targets and goals for the next 12 months, I invite you to do this simple exercise. It’s a wonderful way to clear energies, thoughts or ideas that you’d rather not bring into the New Year. Often when we let go of something we can truly see how it was holding us back. It’s really easy to get started. Just grab your calendar, pen and paper, and set aside about 15 minutes, or longer if you feel guided. Some like to make a ritual around their review, with candles and incense and more time to meditate and/or reflect. Choose what works best for you. These 3 simple questions help me clear my mental, emotional and spiritual levels and set me up for a strong start for the New Year:
Watch the short video below for an energetic clearing with Shauna to really kick start your New Year! Thank you so much for reading, watching and diving into more of you. I’m so grateful for you! Shauna xo |
Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021