1/13/2017 1 Comment January 13th, 2017If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door I read this statement this morning with my coffee and I immediately wanted to explore this more with you. I began to wonder… What if now isn’t time for the door open? What if we don’t have the right key to open the door? When do we leave one door and move onto the next? Do you remember the movie Monsters Inc. where all the doors to the children’s rooms were hanging in endless rows and when it was time to scare a particular child, their door would come down for the assigned monster to open and while the child was sleeping, they would scare them and generate energy from their goosebumps? What if instead of monsters, it was the universe aligning us with our doors, not to scare us, but rather move us closer to our dreams? What if all of life’s possibilities are doors just waiting to be unlocked by us? Someone once said to me, “If you have a dream in your heart and you feel it, believe it and know it to be true for you, the right doors will open, you’ll see.” I used to get so annoyed and frustrated when doors wouldn’t open for me. I would come up with new ideas to make them to open. Maybe if I used brute force it would open, maybe if I had other people help me the door would open or maybe if I was patient enough, the door would eventually open. I see doors as possibilities leading us to new places and experiences. Our job, if we choose it, is to take those first steps and walk through the threshold and take the Universe’s hand. 3 Steps to Open Sesame Step 1. Is this your door? Determine if what you are working toward is actually yours. Is it something you are hungry for and willing to whatever it takes to have? Does the idea light you up inside, get you out of bed in the morning, eager to make strides toward making it a reality? I know, this sounds crazy. Years ago, I wanted to become an alpaca distributor, complete with a farm and a storefront with different locations. Have you ever felt alpaca fur? It’s amazing, to die for, totally luxurious. My friend and I had this big plan and she kept aligning with the right people; distributors, marketing executives, breeders who would help us achieve this goal. We were so excited and we were making all these plans, setting things in motion and then one day out of the blue everything came to a crashing halt. She called to tell me that her family was relocating and that she wouldn’t be able to do the “alpaca thing” after all. I was crushed and so disappointed. I spent many sleepless nights conjuring up ways that I could do it without her and trying to understand how she could walk away from something this amazing. It wasn’t until several weeks later, that I slowly came to realize that it was HER door the whole time! I chose to be a passenger on her bus. I chose to buy into her excitement, thinking it was mine. I chose to ignore that little voice inside desperately trying to tell me that just like all the other doors we attempted to open together, that this door would not open. I chose to not ask enough questions to know what was true for me and what wasn’t. So, after I moved through the emotions, and my own bullshit, I began to wonder what door I would like to open for myself. Not long after this fiasco, I had my first reiki treatment and by opening that door, I stepped into a magical land filled with possibilities that continue to light ME up daily. What door would light you up? Step 2. Come up with a plan Action creates confidence and momentum. Once we’ve chosen something that lights us up, we invoke the universe to assist and the door will appear. Take my reiki door for example. I had several reiki brochures, read books, talked with different people and kept circling the reiki wagon. It wasn’t until I met a reiki master who’s energy lit me up, that I made the decision, the choice, to explore reiki. I felt unsure but did it anyway. First, I had a reiki session and LOVED it. Next, I signed up for my first reiki class and LOVED it. I then came up with a plan to become a Reiki Master/Teacher so I could share this amazing energy with the world. Soon, crossed over loved ones began to show up in my sessions and I began to see specific ailments in the body catapulting me into learning Medical Intuition. Once I had a plan for my reiki door, the Universe kept bringing me more doors to light me up. I remember watching Wayne Dyer years ago and he said, “Think from the end. I'm a big believer in starting with the end outcome and working backwards to reach it.” If we walk away from the door too soon, how will our dreams, goals and targets become a reality? Wayne would have a mock book cover done up for a book he was writing. It would sit on his desk and he would connect with the book, see it selling and making a difference in people’s lives. Thinking from the end. Think of your current door that truly lights you up, that you are committed to mastering. Now, see that door (goal, dream) as complete and choose 1 step that you can implement today. 1. ______________________________________________ And, when you complete that step, choose another and another until your door opens. Step 3. Mindset Words and feelings determine what you attract into your life. This is where self sabotage comes in, our beliefs and the stories we carry with us. We can talk ourselves out of our dreams and not choose to walk through the threshold when the doors open. I’ve seen many clients pick a door (dream, goal), come up with a plan for their door only to walk away just before it opens. A strong, focused mindset is vital to achieving your goals and outcomes. If you believe you can’t, you won’t. We all have difficult life experiences that rear their head from time to time. In those moments we can choose to give up, OR we can choose to take the information from that experience and use it as motivation. One of my mantras, is – there has to be a way. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first TV job as an anchor in Baltimore. Steven Spielberg was rejected twice by the University of Southern California. Thomas Edison was told by his teachers he was ‘too stupid to learn anything’. Walt Disney was told he ‘lacked imagination and had no good ideas’. Theodor Seuss Geisel - Dr. Seuss - had his first book rejected by 27 different publishers. Stephen King had his first book Carrie rejected 30 times. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. When you have a dream, a goal, that lights you up inside, that you know is yours to bring to life, you will find a way and eventually that door will open and connect you to that magical place inside. A leader in the Transformational Coaching, Medical Intuition and Mediumship arenas, Shauna invites people to change how they view themselves, their strengths and any perceived weaknesses. Combining her intuitive skills with her unique ability to connect with the Soul and higher levels of consciousness, Shauna continues to lead thousands of people through their challenges into a world of amazing possibility and brilliance. www.shaunachandler.com
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Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021