4/19/2012 0 Comments Chakra mantras and affirmationsFirst Chakra (Base Chakra): Sound - LAM
I am committed to staying on earth and doing what I came here to do. I realize everything is a lesson in Love. I am free to create. “The first door is for grounding and connecting to the earth. The cords are just connection to help you then give birth." Second Chakra (Sacral Chakra): Sound - VAM I am deserving of feeling pleasure in a healthy way. I am not alone. I am able to create all that I need. “Door two is almost open now and its orange is truly bright. This color will assist you dear in shining out your radiant light.” Third Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra): Sound - RAM I am grounded. I am relaxed. I am powerful. I replace feelings of inadequacy with hope, love, light, inspiration, faith, and joy. "The third door here is beautiful and golden yellow like the sun. It reminds you gently now that we really are all one.” Fourth Chakra (Heart Chakra): Sound - YAM I am worthy. I am safe. I am loved. I am valuable. I vibrate to the frequency of Love. “Emerald green so soothing now is what’s at the center of this door. So focus now on healing all emotions deep within your core.” Fifth Chakra (Throat Chakra): Sound - HAM I am the expression of truth. I am free to speak my truth. “Communication is what speaks to you through this door of blue. Listen carefully now and hear just what is being conveyed to you.” Sixth Chakra (Third Eye): Sound - Ham-Ksham I am aware and accept that everything in the universe is knit together and works for the highest good. It is my divine right to manifest my vision. I am wisdom. “Indigo is for opening and seeing what’s not there. This door is fully open how if you only dare.” Seventh Chakra (Crown Chakra): Sound - AUM – OM I am open minded. I am willing. I am light. I am able to detach and release from what I think I want. I am free. "This door is made of violet and total pure white light. It enables you to see the truth even when it’s night.” By Dyan Garris
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Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021