11/9/2015 0 Comments How our Angels communicate with usThrough visions: This applies to things that you see mentally or with your physical eyes; what you see in dreams; signs that appear before you; seeing flashing or sparkling lights; sensing light orbs in photographs; seeing moving objects; or noticing number sequences repeatedly such as 444 or 111. This is called clairvoyance, which means “clear seeing.” To amplify this gift: Cleanse your third eye with your Angels Reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet Fresh air Through feelings: These are emotions that come out of the blue, such as joy, excitement, and compassion; physical feelings disconnected to the physical world, such as feeling suddenly warm or feeling changes in air temperature or air pressure; sensing a spiritual presence; feeling as if someone has touched you; or smelling an essence with no physical origin, such as flowers or smoke. This is called clairsentience, which means “clear feeling.” To amplify this gift: Use clear quartz crystals – holding in your receiving hand (non-dominant hand) Use rose essential oils to raise your vibration Exercise gets your circulation pumping Through thoughts: This is when you know something without knowing how you know; receiving an “Aha!” revelation; being able to fix an item without instructions; having very wise words come through your speech or writings, as if someone else gave them to you; getting a great idea for a new invention, business, or product; and experiencing “I knew that!” thoughts after something occurs. This is called claircognizance, which means “clear thinking.” To amplify this gift: Ask: is this for me or someone else? Verbally acknowledge to your Angels that you received their message Journal your thoughts and ideas to keep track of how many hits you receive daily Through sounds: This refers to hearing your name called as you awaken; celestial-sounding music from out of nowhere; a warning from a disembodied voice; overhearing a conversation or radio/TV program that gives you the exact information you need; a loving message in your mind or outside one ear; or a high-pitched ringing sound. This is called clairaudience, which means “clear hearing.” To amplify this gift: Clear your ear chakras daily Ask your angels, guides, loved ones, etc. to speak louder Re-open tuned out frequencies by asking your angels – gently and in moderation Book an Angel Reading with me today to gain a better understanding of YOUR Angels. Much love, Shauna
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Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021