8/15/2013 0 Comments Stages of your EgoLower Stage
Ego is fully engaged - focused on other's truth High Ego is power hungry, self absorbed, focuses on external image, needs validation from others, blames/condemns others in order to boost self, competitive. Low Ego has no power, is codependent, is lost and confused, plays the martyr, feels like it never gets what it deserves - life isn't fair, constant worrying and feelings of lack, doubts and puts self down. You can ask yourself when you find your thoughts/feelings here: Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy? Is this thought/feeling from my inner truth or someone else - society, parents, peers? Ask for help - Angels, please give me a different perspective on this. Thank you. Middle Stage We become an observer of our thoughts and feelings and begin to ask – is this my truth or their truth? Thoughts and feelings: You begin to notice ego thoughts and reactions and your higher self thoughts and reactions. You start questioning where these thoughts and feelings have come from. You are building strength in this stage. It will take practice and some days you will be able to distinguish the thoughts and feelings quickly and clearly and other days not as much. A good practice is to take a moment before reacting. Remember, your ego has been protecting you against everything it could for a long time so it will take practice to tame it. Stay neutral – anger will get your ego fired up and telling it to shut up often results in it retreating for a while only to come out when you are not expecting it. You ego is like a small child so once again staying neutral is your best option. Listen to your inner guidance – ask yourself, “How would my Higher Self or Love respond to this?” Ask your Angels to show you your truth and give you the realization of when your ego is engaged. Top Stage You are connected to your highest version of yourself, otherwise known as your Higher Self. The focus becomes - my truth. Thoughts/feelings become: How may I best serve? How may I share my gifts? Thoughts and feelings are: Joy, Love, Compassion, Peace, Forgiveness Deepak Chopra calls them Divine Emotions: Love, Kindness, Joy, Compassion and Equanimity (being kind or friendly to those around us) Affirm: I surrender and release ego control and ask for my God self to merge with me and assist me with my highest good. If you are feeling stuck with your ego, please call me today to schedule a session to get you connected with your Higher Self! Angel Hugs, Shauna
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Shauna Marie ChandlerReiki Master/Teacher, Angel Readings, Sacred Geometry Archives
June 2021